Having difficulty logging in?
This website is for registered users of Secure File Transfer.
There could be a few reasons why you may be having difficulty logging in. The following is a list of possible reasons to bear in mind:
Did you know that passwords and usernames are case sensitive?
Double check that you haven't accidentally activated the CAPS LOCK key.
Are you sure you typed the username and password exactly correct?
If the username is 'Bill' then 'bill' or 'William' will not work. Check you know the exact spelling of the username and password.
Did you accidentally type in extra spaces in the password or username?
None of our usernames or passwords include spaces.
Have you forgotten your username or password?
This can happen to all of us on occasion. Please click on the following for the type of user to see further information of how to get a reminder:
If you have checked all of these and still cannot get in, please contact Birmingham City Council directly and a member of the team should be able to help.
School Staff
Please contact your head teacher for confirmation of username and password. If you ARE the head teacher having difficulties, then contact Birmingham City Council directly.
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LA Staff
Please contact Birmingham City Council directly.
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Other Users
Please contact your lead user for confirmation of username and password. If you ARE the lead user having difficulties, then contact Birmingham City Council directly.
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Contact Information
You can contact Birmingham City Council directly at the Birmingham Support page
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Legal Notice
Any queries can be directed to Birmingham City Council via https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/school_support_service.
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